Thursday, May 5, 2011

If you can't say something nice...

Have you ever lied to a care provider because you are afraid of hurting their feelings?
I have.  I know it probably seems silly, but you know, I've never been good at break ups.
     I visited an acupuncturist for a little while during my morning sickness, and though it was nice to lay down for twenty minutes and listen gentle new age music, I am fairly certain it had no lasting benefits, especially considering that on one occasion I puked immediately upon leaving the office.  But the acupuncturist was so nice, and so confident in her methods, and I didn't want to seem close minded.  I would say things like, "I always love coming to your office.", or "I think its helping a little; I am sure it will build over time."
     That's not the worse case though.  Once I kept seeing this Indian doctor for a year even though I would only ever understand one in three things he said.  It was ridiculous, but again, he was this really cute elderly doctor, and I didn't want to seem like a jerk.  He would chat away, laughing at his own jokes, and all I could do was nod and smile, waiting for him to refill my prescription.  At one point I was considering going to see another doctor at the same time, but then I would have felt like I was cheating on him.  I would probably still be seeing him, but I moved out of state.  I loved that guy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A version of Hush Little Baby with less consumerism

You may have heard this before, but when I heard an old roommate singing it to her little girl, I just thought it was so sweet.  I finally got around to looking up the full lyrics; I almost began to cry.

Hush little baby don't say a word,
Mama's gonna show you a hummingbird

If that hummingbird won't fly
Mama's gonna show you the evening sky

When the night time shadows fall
Mama's gonna hear the crickets call

As their song drifts from afar
Mama's gonna show you a shooting star

As that star drops out of view
Mama's gonna read a book with you

When that story has been read
Mama's gonna get your warm bedspread

If that quilt begins to wear
Mama's gonna find your teddy bear

If that teddy bear won't hug
Mama's gonna catch you a lightening bug

If that lightening bug won't glow
Mama's gonna find you an old banjo

If that banjo's out of tune
Mama's gonna show you the harvest moon

While that moon drifts from the sky
Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby